Have More Fun – Week 3 of the 60For60 Challenge!

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60 for 60 Challenge Week 3It’s Week 3, and opportunities to share the 60for60 Challenge keep getting better and better!  As we count down to the 60th Birthday Party for Irving Cares at The Great Harvest on Fri., September 22, you can join the fun!
Looking for ways to participate in the 60for60 challenge? Here are some tips:
  • Grab your sidewalk chalk and find an appropriate place to draw something fun and colorful and incorporate #IrvingCares into the image.  Look for stairs and sidewalks in your favorite Irving parks.
  • Paint a fun image or saying on a rock. On the back side write: #IrvingCaresRocks. Leave the rock in a public space for others to find.  When you find an Irving Cares Rock, be sure to post it on social media!
Emergency AssistanceHave More Fun – Week 3 of the 60For60 Challenge!