Pictured left to right: Steve Isam, Teddie Story, Jody Stroup, Heather Newell, Heather Stroup, Nick Vogeler, Sean Gardner
This donation was recommended by Sean Gardner, Steve Isam, Jody Stroup, and Jay Thomason, all Branch Network Managers of W.W. Grainger, Inc.’s, Dallas and Ft. Worth locations. Grainger has been part of the Dallas/Ft. Worth business community for more than 82 years as the leading broad line supplier of maintenance, repair, and operating products. “We are proud to recommend the programs offered by Irving Cares,” said Stroup. “We understand the need for Irving Cares to provide nutritious food for well-balanced meals to their neighbors in times of need.”
“This grant will be used to purchase milk, eggs, and nutritious ingredients for healthy meals,” said Teddie Story, CEO of Irving Cares. “We strive to ensure families have healthy meals even in times of crisis. We are grateful to The Grainger Foundation for this great generosity.”
Irving Cares programs serve more than 800 families a month with groceries.
The Grainger Foundation, an independent private foundation based in Lake Forest, Illinois, was established in 1949 by William W. Grainger, Founder of W.W. Grainger, Inc. For further information about Grainger, contact Joe Micucci, Director, Media Relations at [email protected].