Our office will close December 23rd and reopen January 2nd.

Weather the Storm this Holiday Season

Weather the Storm bird in the rain with head downThe storm of a financial crisis can come in the form of an illness, car wreck, job layoff, divorce, or the death of a wage earner. Eviction can be what follows.

Last year, Irving Cares helped 204 qualified families pay their rent or mortgage. Although that number is impressive, Irving Cares turned away 4 families facing eviction for each 1 helped due to lack of funding.

Let’s help families #WeatherTheStorm!

Keep a family in their home for only 12 payments of $62.50 per month; or partner with a friend to each make 12 payments of $31.25 per month, and save a family from eviction.

To help, click the Donate Now button, or contact Heather Newell,  972-721-9181 x202, or [email protected].

Let’s help everyone Weather The Storm!

Emergency AssistanceWeather the Storm this Holiday Season