welcome to the Irving Cares blog


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The Great Harvest Tasting Committee

Meets today at the Irving Convention Center to select the menu for this year's event. What would you choose? Plan to join us September 25 - tickets and sponsorships available now for the incredible The Great Harvest 25th Anniversary ! Selections for tasting today...

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Would You Make an Auction Donation?

Use your Amazon Smile account to shop for Irving Cares! Search "IrvingCares" to find our wish list on Amazon, then use your Smile account to buy an auction item for The Great Harvest 25th Anniversary. The item you select will  ship to us, and be featured in the silent...

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Shop with Amazon Smile

As you shop for summer fun or back-to-school, remember to give twice! Shop Amazon Smile and a portion of your purchase will benefit Irving Cares. Use this link to sign up! https://smile.amazon.com/ch/75-1436937

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Author: ktaylor