Our office will be closed Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

It’s the end of an era at Irving Cares

Photo of Irving Cares CEO, Teddie StoryA letter from Irving Cares CEO, Teddie Story:

It is with mixed emotions that I announce my desire to retire from Irving Cares as CEO, effective December 29, 2017, so that I can spend more time with my family.

While I am sad to leave the organization after 26 years of service, first as a board member and then as a staff member, I am excited to leave the organization on a high note and in unquestionably capable hands.

I have great confidence in the future direction of the organization. Irving Cares recently achieved two major milestones: the 60th birthday of the organization and the 25th anniversary of The Great Harvest, our annual fundraiser.

The Irving Cares team had our highest-grossing The Great Harvest ever, and successfully completed a 60th birthday rebranding and fundraising campaign that doubled our initial goal and raised more than $120,000.

The team has significantly expanded its outreach into the community, forming new partnerships and continuing to cultivate relationships with businesses, community groups and other non-profit partners, all of which will yield tremendous returns to the organization in terms of financial and volunteer resources.

As with any strong small business, there is a Succession Plan in place at Irving Cares. The Board of Directors is forming an Executive Search Committee and will field applications from interested and qualified persons, and more details will follow soon about how to apply for this position.

Words cannot express my gratitude for the opportunity to grow within, and ultimately lead the incredible team of employees, volunteers, partners and supporters of Irving Cares.  I have been wonderfully blessed by my time here, and I am so proud of the work that the organization has achieved over the years.  I fully expect the agency will continue to demonstrate growth and success as a vital community resource in the years to come. There will always be a piece of my heart that belongs to Irving Cares.

Emergency AssistanceIt’s the end of an era at Irving Cares