welcome to Irving Cares
Rent and Utilities Assistance
Limited Assistance Available For:
- rent
- utilities (Direct Energy, Ambit Energy, Reliant Energy, TXU Energy and Atmos)
- prescriptions

families received assistance with rent payments
families received assistance with gas and electric bills
Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program
Dallas County Health & Human Services offers CEAP assistance at Irving Cares. The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is a utility assistance program. The program is designed to assist low income households in meeting their immediate energy needs. Dallas County HHS can assist with all utility vendors.
Electric & Gas (Utility) Assistance Qualifications
- Resident of Irving for at least 6 months
- Been at current address for at least 3 months
- Utility must have been open for a minimum of 90 days
- Must have earned income and be able to show you can normally pay your bills
- Irving Cares does not pay all of the utility bill. If you qualify, you will pay a portion of the bill as well
- You and your roommate/spouse, can’t have received any other UTILITY or RENT assistance within the last 13 months
All of these must be verified before your case is approved.
Electric & Gas (Utility) Assistance Process
- Apply ONLY over the phone. (972) 721-9181
- Speak with a case manager
- The case manager will verify the application and confirm amount owed
- The case manager will call and inform you of the portion you will be responsible for as a copay.
- An appointment is set and you will be responsible to bring all paperwork and copy.
Rent Assistance Qualifications
- All prior month’s rent must be paid
- Resident of Irving for at least 6 months
- Been at current address for at least 3 months
- Must have a lease with everyone living in the household listed on it
- Must have earned income equal or more than current rent and be able to show that you normally pay rent on your own.
- Irving Cares does not pay all of the rent bill. If you qualify, you will pay a portion of the bill as well
- You and your roommate/spouse, can’t have received any other RENT assistance within the last 5 years
- You and your roommate/spouse, can’t have received any other ELECTRIC assistance within the last 13 months
All of these must be verified before your case is approved.
Rent Assistance Process
- Photo ID (Must be 18+ years to apply)
- Copy of complete rental lease agreement signed by client and management.
- Notice to vacate or late notice issued by management.
Applications alone are not a guarantee for assistance. Additional information will be required.
Client Basic Eligibility Criteria:
- Client must be at least 18 years of age & a resident of Irving.
- Must have lived at current address for a minimum of 3 months.
- Must have a current lease agreement & all occupants must be named on the lease. (No month-to-month leases)
- Client must have a source of income & show financial need for assistance.
*May require additional documentation depending on funding source.
Applicants are encouraged to call Irving Cares for the most recent information & updates as funding availability & screening dates are subject to change.
Sign up for services
Families and individuals can find help with immediate basic needs as well as support to build a brighter future. Irving Cares commits to providing services in a respectful and dignified manner without regard to race, color, gender, age, handicap, religion, or national origin.